AI Will Change Storytelling

Our CEO on how AI will change storytelling

October 8, 2024
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3 minutes

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AI Will Change Storytelling, Not Stories

Stories are embedded in the very essence of what makes us human. Think about it: from cave paintings to TikTok videos, our fundamental desire to share narratives has remained constant across millennia. It's a trait so deeply ingrained in our nature that it feels almost genetic—as if storytelling were written into our DNA alongside our basic survival instincts.

Even as we look toward a future where humanity might span multiple galaxies, one thing remains certain: wherever we go, we'll carry our stories with us. On distant planets, in space colonies, or right here on Earth, we'll continue using stories to entertain, persuade, inform, and educate. It's not just what we do—it's who we are.

The Evolution of Storytelling

Throughout history, the tools we use to tell stories have evolved dramatically. From oral traditions to written words, from printed books to digital media, each technological advancement has democratized storytelling in its own way. Now, we stand at the threshold of another transformation: the AI revolution.

But here's the crucial distinction—AI isn't going to change stories themselves. The emotional core, the human connection, the fundamental power of narrative will remain unchanged. What AI will transform is how we create and share these stories.

The Video Literacy Imperative

Consider this: there was a time when reading and writing were considered optional skills, nice-to-have abilities reserved for the privileged few. Today, they're fundamental requirements for participating in society. We're witnessing a similar shift with video communication.

In our increasingly visual world, video has become the dominant language of the internet. The ability to communicate through video—whether to entertain, persuade, inform, or educate—is rapidly moving from a specialized skill to a core competency. Imagine if you could read but not write; that's the position many find themselves in with video today. They can consume endless hours of video content but lack the tools and skills to create their own.

Democratizing Video Storytelling

This is why my team and I built Eddie AI. We envision a future where everyone has the ability to tell their stories through video, just as word processors democratized written expression. Eddie AI is our first step toward this future—think of it as ChatGPT for video editing, but with a specific focus on enabling storytelling.

The concept is simple but powerful: upload your interview footage, tell Eddie what story you want to tell, and within seconds, you have an edit that brings your vision to life. No more technical barriers, no more hours lost to technical workflows. Just pure storytelling.

We believe that everyone has stories worth telling. Eddie AI is our way of ensuring they have the tools to tell them.

Your New Storytelling Partner.